Full and luxurious eyebrows, beautiful full eyelashes and unique lips are seen more and more often, with stars
and starlets leading the way. And now the beauty craze is taking its course, permanent make-up and microblading
are almost unthinkable without.
But what distinguishes permanent make-up from microblading?
One of the newest developments has conquered the beauty world from Asia in a fast process. Microblading is
a form or a subgroup of permanent make-up and is used in most cases in the area of the eyebrows, but is also
used more and more frequently in the area of the lips. The difference compared to the conventional permanent
make-up method is that no machine is used in the new modern microblading. For this purpose, a pen with so-
called blades, small needles strung together, is used for filigree hair drawing. With these blade-like blades is
virtually "scratched" into the skin. These indentations create microscopic and very fine openings in the skin. The
color pigments are then incorporated into these openings. This visually gives an extravagant and full hair look to
the eyebrows. In addition, the skin is not quite as stressed as with permanent make-up. As a result, the durability
of microblading is correspondingly shorter. Microblading or also called microneedling lasts only between nine
months to two years, taking into account various factors such as skin condition, metabolism, care, etc.
... and now the beauty world of permanent make-up
Permanent make-up or also micro-pigmentation or derma-pigmentation is simply said the cosmetic tattooing
especially in the region of the face. Derived techniques of the tattoo industry are specialized and refined here
on contours and soft shades. Most simply have the desire for a natural makeup for everyday life without the daily
effort and painting. In contrast to microblading, PMU also takes a closer look at other areas of the skin and optimizes
them. Here eyebrows, eyelids or lips are given certain finishing touches to underline, emphasize and ultimately obtain
desired volume. There are no limits to aesthetic and emphasized facial features.These unique and impressive effects
are created with the help of a pigmentation device or also known as a PMU machine. Due to the somewhat deeper
storage of the pigments, the durability of this method is also longer. Depending on the skin condition, care and age
of the customer, professional permanent make-up can last up to three years.
So dear ones, now you know the difference between these two crafts. It is up to you for which method you decide.
The most important thing is to pay attention to professionalism and to a clean and to go to a clean studio as well
as a dutiful artist.
Make the choice calmly & rather inform yourself longer.